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Apple Introduces World's Thinest Notebook - " Mac Book Air "

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Mac World - Mac Book Air
Apple CEO Steve Jobs holds an envelope containing the new MacBook Air during his keynote at the MacWorld Conference in San Francisco. The super-slim new laptop is less than an inch thick and turns on the moment it's opened. MacBook Air measures 0.16 inches (0.4cm) at its thinnest point while its maximum height of 0.76 inches (1.93cm) is less than the thinnest point on competing notebooks.

Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveils the new MacBook Air during his keynote at the MacWorld Conference in San Francisco

A MacWorld attendee stands next to a giant poster of the new MacBook Air ultra thin laptop at the MacWorld Conference & Expo in San Francisco..
A new MacBook Air ultra thin laptop sits on display at the MacWorld Conference & Expo in San Francisco..

Apple MacBook Air is shown at the MacWorld Conference in San Francisco.

Attendees look at the new MacBook Air at the MacWorld Conference in San Francisco. The super-slim new laptop is less than an inch thick and turns on the moment it's opened.


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