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World’s Largest Digging Machine

This is the largest digging machine in the world. It shown here crossing a road in Germany on the way to its destination, an open air coal mine. Although at the mine the treads are unnecessary, it was cheaper to make the machine self-propelled than to try and move it with conventional hauling equipment.

Here are Some facts:

  • The machine is 95 meters high and 215 meters long (almost 2.5 football fields in length)
  • Weight is 45,500 tons (that’s equivalent to a bumper to bumper line of jeeps 80 miles long)
  • It took 5 years to design and manufacture at a cost of $100 million
  • Maximum digging speed is 10 meters per minute
  • Can move more than 76,000 cubic meters of coal, rock, and earth per day


* and We thought that Digg.com is huge place :-D... Maybe it ain't that Big ;-)